Wednesday, 29 June 2016

In Conversation with Manveer II

Mama! I want a little brother.

Why don't you get pregnant?

Hhmm.... How can you become pregnant?

Tell me, Mama...

My 11 year old  son had suddenly decided that it was time to get younger brother and since it had to be through mother's womb, hence the tirade of questions, impatience to the core and as is typical of today's generation... instant gratification, absolutely no delays.

Manveer, I cannot get pregnant now.

Why Mama, are you too old now? ( please God sensitize these kids to not say such hurtful things like aging, getting old )

No! I'm definitely not old but due to some medical complications, it is not possible for me now. Besides, I already have my sonny boy. I am damn fond of him... he is my googly woogly wooosh. My own sweety pie. Why do you want a sibling now? You have your parents..... you have a mother who can be your friend as well. ( I launched into friendly bit to establish the simple fact that he can share everything with me ... everything, mind you :))

No, You are not my friend. You are my mama only. You are family whereras with friends, you have to be formal always, with you I can cuddle up, hug you and do whatever I want.

Formal? With friends? What do you mean,Manveer? I believe you are your true naughty self with friends.

No,it's not possible always... depends on types of friends, Mama

(Now I was intrigued by what Manveer had said, I put aside my book and focused completely on  Manveer)

Okay! Can you explain what you mean by this statement?

Look Mama, I have different relationship with all my friends

Like with Marmik, I am very cool, casual.... naughty and say whatever I want to say

But with Enrique, I have have to be a little careful

Adelle is also a good friend and with her I can talk in different slang but once she starts chattering away to glory, I have to ask her to stop......Adelle! Please stop for a breath atleast and Phew! let me breathe too!!

Krisbir and Guri are my younger brothers... when they come over, I am like, " Okay, Bros...what do you want to do or play today? " And then I scold Guri when he is mischievous. Basically, they are family to me, that's it!

And ... Nandini & Gauri are family friends... initially I am a bit formal with them but eventually we are cool to go and end up having fun with them too.

Why are they family friends and not family? You've known them the longest, you were just two and half years old when you met them.

Mama! you know they are girls and I need to respect that bit as well but I always look forward to meeting and playing with them. It is soooo... much fun!

This clarity of thought and spontaneous expression had me amazed at his ability to communicate on the spur of the moment in a very well defined way.

Is he the same kid who had me hopping mad at him just a day prior to this? Is this the same kid who seems to be always lost in his games, cartoons and toys? Is he the same kid who leaves everything on his study desk in such a mess that I am sometimes left screaming and pulling my hair in despair... Seems like they all come in such a mixed package only :) But bless them for all they are and what they are capable of ...Amen!

Let's raise a toast to wonders and surprises that these kids can spring up-- anytime, anywhere. And as I said, " Please be ready to catch those glimpses of brilliance that shine through all the clutter around us... Just be there... Let the breeze flow ... let the work await... let the world come to standstill... For nothing is as precious as that one moment of connecting with your child at a very deep level."

the image is sourced from:

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