Sitting in front of the television and just updating myself to the happenings of the programs aired after 8:00 pm every night (ok! I admit that I like watching those soaps with all the drama…..but only because I don’t want to be left out of the office conversations. I don’t know why but every gupshup session has to end up with the discussion of these soapy soap operas…. So you know don’t just strike out my name out of that intellectuals list out there because I am there, here, everywhere………. ;))

Manveer said, "अभी नहीं, जब मैं बड़ा हो जाऊँगा, 20 yearsके बाद ........"
"No, Papa! अभी तोह किस्सी से भी नहीं कर सकता ; अभी तोह सब friends ही हैं ना ...........!"Manveer said this with an all knowing expression.
your fav pose while watching tv.......
this is where you sleep, darling.........
carry the memories with you, look back with fondness over these days when you grow up.......... and also add millions of more exciting and endearing memories to your memory bank each day..........and i know you will surely do.....!!!
Now can we just get back to my viewing session? Although they are getting so few that I can actually count them on my finger tips.
Enough of my side tracking…………. I promise now I’ll just stick to what I wanted to share in the first place. While I was viewing one of the said soaps, Manveer kept flipping across the screen. I felt he was doing this just to force me to switch channels and watch something more natural and attuned to the normal human existence (this behavior is just like his father, I tell you ALL men are like that…… including the little brats as well).
But on closer look, I saw that he was just clicking away with his camera ….the one in his mobile phone (he recently got his first mobile that he can call all his ….actually it is my very old handset……. It still doesn’t have a sim card in it but that does not spoil his spirits at all. You can say I am happy to hear that).

He kept on clicking from all possible angles and of every possible object around in the room. Irritated by his constant flipping across and spoiling my premiere time, I shouted at him (actually shrieked is a better word), “what are you doing, Manveer? Get aside and let me watch my program…!”
The reply that I got was something like this.
"Mama, मैं अपने room की photos खींच रहा हूँ , हर angle से ........के मैं कहाँ सोता था , मेरा bed कहाँ था, आप कहाँ सोते थे , side table पर क्या रखते थे ......... मैं इन सब को अपनी memory के साथ-साथ अपने कैमरे में भी store कर रहा हूँ, ताकि जब मैं शादी कर के यहाँ से जाऊँगा तोह मुझे यह सब यहाँ की याद दिलाएंगी....... इसलिए ....."Manveer said all this very solmenly and he meant each and every word of his.
"Mama, मैं अपने room की photos खींच रहा हूँ , हर angle से ........के मैं कहाँ सोता था , मेरा bed कहाँ था, आप कहाँ सोते थे , side table पर क्या रखते थे ......... मैं इन सब को अपनी memory के साथ-साथ अपने कैमरे में भी store कर रहा हूँ, ताकि जब मैं शादी कर के यहाँ से जाऊँगा तोह मुझे यह सब यहाँ की याद दिलाएंगी....... इसलिए ....."Manveer said all this very solmenly and he meant each and every word of his.
(Translation to English: Mama, I am clicking pics of our room from every angle …….. to record where I used to sleep, where my bed was, where your bed was, what we kept on the side table…….. I am storing them in my memory as well as my camera, so that when I leave this house after my marriage then I can go back to these and remember my childhood days…..)
I was stunned. so was Jatinder who just happened to walk in at that precise moment. Trying to keep a straight face, jats asked, "पर तुम्हारी शादी में तोह अभी time है ना ........ वैसे कब करोगे तुम शादी?" (Translation: But there is lots of time before you can get married…...when would like to marry?)
Manveer said, "अभी नहीं, जब मैं बड़ा हो जाऊँगा, 20 yearsके बाद ........"
(Translation: not right now…… after say 20 years, when I will be all grown up…….)
Jats said, "तब तुम कहाँ जाओगे?" "पापा, मैं बड़ा हो कर बड़े घर में जाऊँगा ना .......... फिर जब मुझे यहाँ की याद आयेगी तो मैं इन photos को देख लूँगा और अपने बच्चों को दिखाऊँगा ना ......."जट्स
(Translation: Jats: where will you go when you grow up?
Manveer: I’ll go to a bigger house…. And if I miss this house then I will see these pictures and show them to my kids as well.)
Now this was too much for us to digest. We were doubling over with laughter, had to make humungous effort to control the peals of laughter so that he didn’t start feeling embarrassed.
“So whom will you marry? Do you know someone whom you would like to marry?” Jats decided to dig deeper into Manveer’s thinking.
"No, Papa! अभी तोह किस्सी से भी नहीं कर सकता ; अभी तोह सब friends ही हैं ना ...........!"Manveer said this with an all knowing expression.
(Translation: no Papa! Right now all of them are my friends and we don’t get married to friends… you know?)
"अगर friend से नहीं तोह क्या तुम दुश्मन से शादी करोगे?" Jats was enjoying this conversation too much to let it go waste.............(Translation: If not a friend, then will you get married to an enemy?)
"नहीं ना ........ शादी तोह उसी से करते हैं ना जिससे आप प्यार करते हैं......" This was Manveer's sage but somewhat irritated reply. He had started fidgeting now and was uncomfortable due to the entire cross questioning takin place.(Translation: No….. we marry only that person whom we love …..)
I was following this conversation with lots of curiosity as I wanted to know what views Manveer has formed till now about life, love, marriage. Till today, we have never ever talked, joked or said anything about his marriage or his loving someone … or anything remotely related to this aspect of life. So I was curious as to how he is assimilating all the information from all around his surroundings. No doubt he must be highly influenced by the movies, television etc. but how he is interpreting it all had to be unique to him.
This little dialogue between him and his father shed a whole lot of light on to how he sees the things around him and his take on such happenings. I must say I was relieved to hear that he does value LOVE above everything else. He has his heart in the right place…… so to say and I am really glad. Although I am not yet ready to let my guard down as to what reaches his ears and eyes; but I can at least heave a sigh of relief that he is gonna make choices based on love in his life.
Now what will become of friends and love……that is a whole new chapter…… let us just wait and watch………
Here are pictures of your bed where you sleep these days: keepsake for you, dear!
your fav pose while watching tv.......
this is where you sleep, darling.........
carry the memories with you, look back with fondness over these days when you grow up.......... and also add millions of more exciting and endearing memories to your memory bank each day..........and i know you will surely do.....!!!
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